Top 7 Tips For Organizing Your Closet
New year! New You! Are you looking at getting organized this year but don’t know where to start? Does the pile of clothes in your closet feel overwhelming?
Here are 7 tips to help you declutter and organize your clothes closet.
Take everything out of your closet! Yes, everything.
As you take the clothes out of your closet, organize them into clothing categories (sweaters, tank tops, t-shirts, jeans, leggings, etc.). This allows you to see how much of each item you have.
Start with 1 clothing category (jeans) and sort your clothes into piles: Keep, Maybe, Toss, Donate.
Hold up each clothing item and decide which pile it goes in. This process should take only 5 seconds per item.
After you have finished sorting all your clothes take a look at the size of your piles. Look at how many items you have in each category.
For the maybe pile it is helpful to ask yourself some questions.
Do you love it?
Do you wear it?
Does it fit?
Do you feel confident when you wear it?
If you answered yes to the questions then you can keep it. If you are indecisive on if you should keep something go to my post Easy Organization Hack to Decide Which Clothes to Keep
7. Once you decide which items to keep, hang them back up in your closet by category.
*Bonus points if you hang them by colour.
Want to up your game? The easiest and cheapest way to get your closet looking fabulous is to get matching hangars! It is a game changer!